Our Company

Maxtech Mosquito Control takes a safe and reliable approach to solving larger problems of flying insect control. We don’t use sprays or toxic chemicals that can cause harm to you and your loved ones. We design our products with university testing to ensure we do not have accidental catching of insects.

We provide our customers with one of the industry’s highest levels of guarantee available. We understand our customers may have different variables when it comes to insect control and we stand behind our products with customer support. We are always willing to take your feedback or questions and work with you to try and find the best solutions to any issues. Give our office a call or send us an email to experience what customer service should always be

GREENSTRIKE® goes the extra mile to develop solutions that are not only completely safe if ingested but also safe for the environment

GREENSTRIKE® is a leading premium, cost-effective, and eco-friendly pest control brand of Maxtech Mosquito Control Inc. Its comprehensive range of pest control solutions is suited to different environments and needs. GREENSTRIKE® products offer complete peace of mind by reducing disease-causing flying insect populations.

Mosquito Preventer

The Automatic Mosquito Preventer 2.0 attracts mosquitoes to lay their eggs and then traps them with its Zero-Hatch Technology, ensuring the eggs do not hatch. Instead of allowing the mosquito population to rise all season, this mosquito control solution, reduces the mosquito population by up to 70% in 21 days.

The Automatic Mosquito Preventer is an automated product that is hands-free for weekly re-generation. It uses batteries for operation.

The Manual Mosquito Preventer is a completely manual system that requires the user to re-generate the system manually by pumping every few days. It does not use any power source and does not come with a lid.

The GREENSTRIKE® Mosquito Preventer is designed to be reusable and eco-friendly. It does however need periodic maintenance including changing the filter, landing strips, water, and lure. These need to be changed every 30 days. The monthly refill kit is very important for the system to keep performing optimally.

Due to the drastic inconsistency in rechargeable batteries we can not ensure they will meet the minimum voltage requirements needed by the system. Even some of the best rechargeable batteries only have 1.3 volts per AA battery and when compared to alkaline batteries which have a consistent 1.5 volt per AA.

Mosquito Mobster

The Mosquito Mobster immediately kills flying insects with its 5-Shot System. The 5-Shot System attracts and kills mosquitoes using UV light, infrared light, heat, a high-powered suction fan, and no-mating technology

Green-strike recommends you monitor your trap tray often. With our 5-shot system it can fill the trap up in as little as one day, so for best results empty the tray once you see bugs building up.

Green-Strike recommends you place your Mobster 10 feet away from your enjoyment area. This will allow you to relax in your space and lure the mosquitoes away from you and your family.

LED Zapping Bulb

Green-strike suggests that you first remove the bulb from the socket and use the provided handy mini brush to remove any residual insects. Most of the insects will fall out of the zapper when zapped but a small percentage may get stuck. In high insect areas such as barns and cottages, it is suggested to monitor for the build-up and clean as often as needed.

Green-strike recommends you monitor your trap tray often. With our 5-shot system it can fill the trap up in as little as one day, so for best results empty the tray once you see bugs building up.

No. With 3 available settings, you can choose to keep either the LED light on or just use the Zapper at night.

Reusable Fruit Fly Trap

Remove the top cover, rinse the inner container with water, dry and refill with provided solution.

A single refill of the solution lasts up to 45 days.

Place the trap near around the kitchen areas, dustbins, or any other infested regions.

Pre-Filled Fruit Fly Traps

Green-strike pre-filled fruit fly traps are completely recyclable including all of the packing and the traps.

Each pre-filled trap is designed to provide 30 days of protection.

Green-strike recommends putting a trap wherever fruit flies are found. If you have fruit bowls it’s always a good idea to put a trap close to ensure you trap any fruit flies that may enter your home from fresh fruit.

Mosquito Repellent Bracelet

Green-strike mosquito repelling bracelet fits everyone. This innovative design is adjustable and secures with velcro to ensure it does not fall off. The cloth materials are washable and the repellent is replaceable.

Each bracelet lasts up to 2 weeks.

The Green-Strike repellent bracelet contains no DEET or harsh chemicals. It uses all-natural materials and is completely safe to use.

Green-strike bracelet is made of essential oils and is considered safe to use by pets and children. Green-strike does suggest you read the instructions carefully and consult your doctor about any allergies to the oils listed on the packaging.

Green-strike bracelet contains small amounts of citronella and lemon grass oil. With our formulation of these two materials we have built a recipe of success in repelling Mosquitoes.

Indoor Flying Insect Trap

It uses UV light, heat, and a high-powered suction fan to draw in any unwanted flying insects, trapping and killing them.

The trap can be plugged in to any standard wall socket (100-120V~60Hz 5.5W)

This trap emits a near-silent humming sound.

LED Solar Fly Trap Lantern

Remove solar lid. Open attractant package and pour attractant into the bottom of clear container. Fill the clear container containing attract to the top of the of fogged area visible on the outside of the container. Screw the solar lid back onto the clear container and relax with no more pesky flies around!

The trap may take around 2-3 hours to charge.

The trap can target mosquitoes, moths, or other flies as well.


330 Marsland Drive, Waterloo, N2J 3Z1, Canada 

7128 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN, 55344, United States

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